Recent Events in Dumfries

What We Do Now (WWDN) artists Alice Francis, Rosie Giblin, and Andy Brooke have been busy in North West Dumfries recently. They have been hosting, a number of events and activities for residents over the past few weeks.

Pizza / Print Event

The pizza-print event took place on Thursday 30 June at the T-shape block on Dunlop Road. Participants were able to take part in screen printing and pizza making.

“During this pizza event I was able to meet two residents for the first time – Darryl and Nick – and had good chats with both guys. Nick is keen to learn more about stained glass and will hopefully be part of a local group I hope to establish soon. He was excited at the prospect of learning a skill which could one day result in bringing colourful glass into his flat and the block he lives in. I really hope this can happen in phase two of the project.”

Andy Brooke

Lochside Gala

The Lochside Gala was organised by LIFT D&G and took place on Saturday 9 July. Ahead of the day, the WWDN artists had worked with residents and the wider team to create screen-printed photo portraits of key people within the community. These were displayed next to some some inspirational quote they have provided. Alice and Rosie welcomed participants into the tent and talked about the initiative and wider WWDN project.

A portrait of Lynsey, a key participant during the project, was a focus for the project on the day alongside her words ‘I feel at home’.

For more insights into What We Do Now in North West Dumfries, check out the website by Andy Brooke.

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